- For ages 3 and up
- For 2 to 6 players.
- 6 Boards
- 48 playing chips
- Box size: 6" x 1¼" x 4"
Main Street Little Bingo is a fun twist on the classic bingo game. The six playing boards feature charming storefronts from Main Street and their friendly owners. The first player to match all the tiles to their board and fill their store wins the game.
About eeBoo
From eeBoo's Founder, President, and Creative Director Mia Galison
“When I started eeBoo, I did not know what a gift it would be to be able to build a business and a family at the same time. Twenty-five years ago, I wanted to create a new paradigm for what it meant to be a working Mother. I refused to embrace the compromise of work versus family--I was determined to have it all in one place, one self-perpetuating organism. So I made my office in the basement of my house where I could be close to my kids and they could experience it, understand it, and help us with what we did. I never worried about what the business looked like to other people. I never tried to conceal that we had kids and dogs running and barking in the background or tried to stop my mother from walking into the office during a meeting. I embraced this early chaotic mix as my brand, and I was proud of it.
My husband Saxton and I put in long hours and depended on the help of our neighbors, friends, families, and babysitters, and we never separated our life from our work. Raising three children in the same realm as running a home-based business clarified our values as parents. We wanted to encourage creative thinking, open-ended play, and meaningful communication in the products we developed. Telling stories with our children, finding interesting objects in nature, and working on crafty projects together informed and inspired what is now the eeBoo line.
My children have graduated from college, I have white hair, and eeBoo is no longer an anomaly in the toy industry. Happily, changing tastes, evolving values, and the internet have enabled new and bigger waves of unconventional businesses to enter the market--many run by women with small children. Looking back on the last twenty years, I am proud of the children we have raised and glad that the meaningful assortment of products we offer to the world embodies our values as family and as parents.”